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Ceritanya bermula begini.

CWP ni in charge satu program, kita namakan Projek X la ye, yang sebenarnya adalah idea 'BERNAS' MP. so sejak CPPS masuk ni, maka secara tidak langsungnya CPPS jadi la assistant CWP ni.

Takpe la kan sebab kita masih baru so kita belajar. 

So hari tu, CWP suruh iols buatkan borang Projek X. Makanya CPPS pun buat lah kerja tu. Lepas tu print. Masa print takpe lagi sebab tekan print, terus printing la kan. Tetapi CPPS perlu buat 80 copy borang tu. So CWP suruh copy kat mesin fotostat kat main office. CWP cuma setakat bagi arahan buat tu buat ni.

Maka terkial-kial lah CPPS cuba print tanpa tunjuk ajar sesiapa. Ye lah, sebelum ni mana pernah pakai mesin fotostat yang besar tu. 

Akhirnya CPPS berjaya jugak copy setelah beberapa kali percubaan.

Lepas tu program ni memerlukan weols order stock. Okay, CPPS isi borang dan bagi kat sales counter. 

Dihari program (yang berlangsung diluar waktu kerja), CPPS buatkan signage untuk counter, sediakan measuring tape for height measurement dan body composition scale. Lepas tu CPPS dengan salah sorang cik receptionist, Mina, angkat kotak-kotak stock naik ke bilik program.

Masa program berlangsung, CPPS incharge measurement counter. Lepas tu redemption counter.

Malam tu, CPPS sampai rumah 11.30pm. 

Selepas program, CPPS buatkan filing untuk borang-borang peserta. Siap labelkan file.

Hari sabtu, adalah bahagian kedua Projek X.

Seperti jugak bahagian pertama, CPPS sediakan signage, prepare measurement tools, angkat stock (kali ni CPPS buat sorang), tolong plug in PA system. 

CPPS in charge measurements. Tapi disebabkan tidak cukup tenaga kerja (hari sabtu kan, hari rehat sesetengah staff), CPPS kena buat registration jugak. So sekejap CPPS buat registration, bila takde orang nak daftar, CPPS buat measurement.

CWP pulak suruh CPPS tolong handle PA kalau dia tengah busy/masa tengah bagi talk.

Okay fine.

CPPS duduk belakang laptop.

Sementara tunggu orang datang nak register/buat measurement, CPPS main la phone kan. Lepas tu masa CWP bagi talk, iols pun bukak la phone. Google circuit training, HIIT, how to lose body fat etc.

Lepas habis program, macam biasa CPPS handle redemption counter kemudian kemaskan apa-apa yang patut. Angkat stock pegi store room.

Pukul 6 petang ingatkan nak balik. Tiba-tiba MANAGER PUAKA panggil CPPS. Masa tu kat work station. So CPPS duduk la kan kat kerusi tunggu dia nak cakap apa. 

"So how? Okay ah? You have any problem?"

"So far okay" CPPS senyum-senyum lagi. Ingatkan dia just nak tanya how's my progress so far kan. If i encounter any problem at work.

Dari duduk tiba-tiba dia berdiri dan bercakap

"I see you didn't do anything during the program. You were just there playing with your phone. This is the second round of the program, by right you already should know what is the flow. Although CWP is the main committee, you as the assistant main com should help her. Go ask around if other colleagues need help. You should be more aggresive. Don't just sit there doing nothing."

CPPS terkedu sebentar. 

Rasa nak nangis tapi telan saja sambil senyum-senyum angguk. Rasa nak jerit kat muka MP tu yang just because you didn't see me doing work, doesn't mean I didn't do anything. CPPS buat semua kerja yang orang anggap remeh (print copy angkat kotak), yang CWP tak buat, tapi tetap pada pendapat CPPS penting untuk kelancaran program.

Lagipun CPPS main phone masa CWP bagi talk. Apa yang MP nak iols buat masa tu? Takkanlah CPPS kena berpura-pura rajin kesana kemari semasa talk tu? 

Just because I look cool and chill, doesn't mean I didn't do anything.

CPPS faham kalau dia nak tegur untuk improvement tapi CPPS sedih sangat sebab dia tuduh CPPS tak buat kerja. Mungkin juga salah CPPS sebab tidak menjawab dan mempertahankan diri tetapi sesiapa yang kenal CPPS tau yang CPPS ni orang yang tidak suka konfrontasi. 

CPPS senyum dan angguk-angguk.

"Everyday I learn to do different thing...." Mata MP terbeliak sekejap.

Oops. I realized my mistake too late. I shouldn't use the word LEARN here. Cepat-cepat CPPS ubah ayat

"... er i mean adapt & grow"

"Don't use the word LEARN. Yes although you should adapt & grow, you should be more aggresive. You must perform and by performance I mean, be proactive, ask other colleagues if they need manpower. Like I mentioned the other day, you and CWP can start planning for events in April then come to me with your plans. I don't need to tell you what to do. This is what we call performance. You see CWP, she is a supergirl. She can do everything. But of course she is also very busy as she also do business development. I don't expect you to be like her but if you can, then it exceeds my expectation which is very good la. Think about your career, your direction, what you want to achieve. Adapt & grow, then you can fit into the culture here. Then you are the right person for the job."

Bukan helping other colleagues is what I have been doing ke?

CPPS marah dan sedih sangat.

CPPS mengadu dengan sisthurs CPPS, dengan Pija.

"La ye ke? kitorang ingat you okay je keja situ. Cool je macam takde perasaan. Rupanya diam-diam ubi berisi. Kalau orang lain, biasanya tahan sehari je. Next day tak datang kerja dah. Baru nak kagum dengan you. Hehe"

Rupanya MP ni masalah mental. Manager tanpa kemahiran EQ. Dengan operation staff sombong. Masa staff meeting macam pengetua dengan murid-murid. Pernah halang sorang staff berkawan dengan budak-budak operation sebab "tak sama standard". Dan CWP adalah staff kesayangan dia.

Memang lah sayang kalau suruh sediakan air pun minah tu cepat-cepat lari atas buat padahal dia pun tengah busy masa tu. 

CPPS tak pernah jumpa orang macam ni. Sombong, bongkak.

Memang jauh berbeza dengan tempat kerja dahulu.

General Manager CPPS dulu sangat approachable. CPPS ingat lagi ayat dia semasa training

"we want you to be able to earn enough money to put food on the table, to go traveling, to raise up your children."

Dan dia pernah tanya CPPS semasa bulan pertama CPPS kerja

"Okay or not? Any challenges you face when you were working?"

Puaka betul culture syarikat ni. Bukan main dia nasihat customer healthy life la, exercise la. Gaya hidup staff pulak macam hampeh. Exercise memang harommmm la kalau setiap hari balik lewat.

CWP pulak sebagai nutritionist, nasihat terbaik dia boleh bagi client untuk exercise adalah

"You can do some home workout like plank and sit up. cardio so your fat can turn into muscle. And detox so it can remove toxins and all the bad protein in our body." 

Bad protein?! Seriously bad protein like what?!

Kalau uols kat tempat CPPS, apa uols akan buat?

Honestly I'm just counting my days till the end of the month. #prayforcpps


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